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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

DIY Floral Crown

 I know it's winter but i finally decided to make it. i think it turned out really pretty, but it looks kind of bridal-y. I suppose i will probably wear it in the spring time. Now to find a dress to go with it. :D
It only took $2 to make!! i had coupons from joann's.
Fake flowers 1.80
paper wires   1.20 for pack of six so 20 cents each
total $2.20
enjoy the tutorial!!

You're going to need: 
-1-2 stalks of fake flowers
- paper covered wires
-pliers (optional)

buy these paper covered wires. (you can go for regular wires but this looks more natural). You're probably going to need two wires per person. make a circle big enough so your head can pass through.
 clip some branches of the fake flower off . then wind the "backbone" (thickest part) around the paper wire circle. It may be thick so i used some pliers. Then wind the branches you clipped off and you can rearrange the flowers and leaves by plucking them off gently and replacing them.

intertwine the flower wire between the paper wire so it's secure

Sorry for bad lighting. looks pretty though.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

DIY ideas for Christmas

take a plain shirt and sew some lace trim on the shoulders, or down the side of the shirt. looks instantly more expensive.

Friday, December 16, 2011

DIY Lace Mickey/Minnie Mouse Headband

Your Going to need:
rubber wrapped wire
black electrical tape or black paint (if your wires aren't black)
sewing machine
hot glue gun

bend the wires around something round. the two circles should be around 4 inches apart.
trace one ear onto a piece of paper leaving the bottom as a rectangle. cut it out
trace out four pieces of lace using the template.
stack two pieces together and sew using zigzag stich. repeat to the other two pieces.
wrap the wires with electrical tape or paint only if the wires aren't already black.
bend the wires around the headband to secure. make sure they're sturdy and won't move.
turn the two lace ears inside out and insert the wires.
glue the ends of the lace by wrapping it around where the wire meets the headband.
take a black ribbon (used velvety fabric b/c didn't have any) and cut into a long strip.

start wrapped it around the headband and secure with hot glue.
this is what it should look like.

for minnie mouse wrap a red ribbon in the middle.

 and done!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Recent Obsessions

been kinda lazy recently...
-lego jewlery
-mickey/minnie mouse headbands
-taking care of my hair (growing it out)
-sheer maxi skirts
- ulzzang fashion

-flower boy ramyun
-ojakgyo brothers (JOO WON)
-running man (of course)
-invincible youth (meh its watchable)

Saturday, December 10, 2011


a lazy saturday outfit.
-asymmetrical Tee
-orange cardigan with fur detail on shoulders
-camel colored braided belt
-skinny jeans
-gray lace up booties
-fox ring

doesn't really look like i have makeup on...

one of my favorite rings

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day Three

Left really early in the morning to Hollywood. By the time we came back the power was back on. Now I kinda miss not having electricity.

Day Two

Well more like part two. Last night we sat in the dark with a flashlight in the middle of the table and ate guac and chips. Some jarred salsa. And some persimmons. Couldn’t sleep last so stayed up playing with the ipad until 20% battery left. Then sleep.

Next morning still no power. Sadd.. but heh this is actually kind of fun living without power and relying on candles and flashlights. Today we were able to go to my friend’s mom’s office which had electricity. Thank god. Watched all the dramas and youtube videos I could. Too bad I didn’t take my cell phone charger. Running low on batteries. One bar left. Blehh.

Just took a shower with a flashlight. Takes on a whole new meaning to 5 minute shower. Heh my dad brought home some super bright flashlights. We’re probably the house with the most light right now. Well end for now. I’ll be blogging until this electricity is back on.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Apocolypse Is Coming!!!

if you are living in the la area you will know what i am talking about. This wednesday,November 30th, winds up to 40 mph went through our town and raped our trees. It started at about 11 at night and didnt stop til morning. It was so loud that i had to go downstairs to get a pair of earplugs and it sounded like our house was getting attacked by ghosts.(if ghosts were to make sounds that is what they would sound like)

Next morning was a freaking disaster. OH and did i mention i don't have electricity???  meaning no internet, no homephone, no microwave, no cooking, well you get the point. but fortunately gas and plumbing all worked and i had a lighter. Had to make toast with a pan.i have no idea how i survived the whole day without electricity. >.<

outside was even worse. our trees in the backyard were all naked.we were considered lucky.the neighbors across the street weren't. unfortunately they had left their car parked outside and unfortunately a tree fell on it. All i heard the whole morning was a chainsaw being used to cut that tree into pieces.

walking to my friend's house i saw more damage that the wind had created.the creepy old house on the corner had trees surrounding it. They didn't make it. They toppled over the chainlinked fence and took the traffic light with it. school was canceled and most of the stores and restaurants were closed.

night time was even worse. we only relied on one flashlight and a super dim flashlight and candles. the candles were freaking tealight candles. not much light. sadly my friend didn't have a lighter so i had to strike a match (which i've never done before. took me forever.) to light the candle. Now you're wondering why i didn't light the gas with the match, because it is freaking short. so i have to use a wooden chopstick to light the pan. ugh. so much energy just to make toast again. night time was soo creepy. pitch dark and with not enough flashlights we had to stick together. do you know how scary it is just the use the restroom? *sigh* okay this is a super long post.alrighty. byes!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


this post is superr late. sorryz. but heres the pics of the things i got from china. :D

getting them out from the suitcase

WOOT. my 2ne1 blackjack hoodie.

yay picture of all my stuff

Thursday, November 17, 2011

im shoes.

whether it be handbags,jeans, or jewelry, mine just happens to be shoes. No matter how many pairs i have it just doesn't seem enough. It really is my weakness. From sneakers to stilettoes, i love them all. I'm the kind of person that when i see a pair of shoes i like at the mall, i would obsess over them until i get them or move one to a new pair. I will literally look up pictures of the shoe and just imagine wearing them and matching outfits. *Sigh* sad news is i'm too poor.

 recently I've been obsessing over the jeffery campell lita booties. Hes a fucking genius. they are freaking gorgeous. I've been seeing them everywhere. From knockoffs to the real thing. Everytime i pass those pairs of shoes in nordstrom i have a need to try them on. I'm contemplating if i should get the real thing. It's a big decision considering its about $160.  So, what should i do?? knockoff's are about $40 but what if they turn out to be cheap? HUL so confused. i feel like i should get the real thing. *dreaming about the orange red booties*

on another note, im getting 4 more pairs of shoes from china. woot. hopefully they look as good as the pictures and are comfortable enough to walk in. can't wait! coming this friday. stay tuned for the haul post. ~end~

p.s. i don't know what's up with the font size. pissing me off. grr ~end again~

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Megatron gets a haircut

Megatron goes for a haircut at petsmart. Her second time and she got superr nervous when the lady came to take her in. Poor megatron, she got all shaky. Result: not bad. she looked more like a girl (she always gets confused for a boy). Overall the cut looks nice, but they missed a few stray hairs and there were a few nicks here and there. I loved the two bows in her hair. Last time it was a christmas bow on the collar and now two tiny bows on her ear. Really cut, but hoped they could stay in longer because she got them off by the next day. keke she's a changed dog. her face looks all different and her neck's so skinny. anyways enjoy the video. :D ~end~

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011


I've been wanting to get them for some time now, but haven't got the guts to actually purchase them online. I'm so conflicted. Is it me or do i feel like it's unsafe to buy something like that online. Considering it's something that's going into your body and not from a doctor perscription. But no matter what, I do have to say they make your eyes like super big and cute. Grrr. so confused. I did ask my parents but they were like flat out "no". I almost got my friend to buy them for me but I decided not to, because I was having doubts and I have no idea how much "degrees" my eyes were. oh and I do have to add that i have noo idea how to put them on. it's pretty embarrassing. twice i had to have my friend put them on for me. lol. it took half an hour just to get one contact on. gotta keep practicing if i do happen to get them.
A few months ago, I heard from a family friend in China that you can actually get them from "eye doctor"? (optometrist?) It seems more legit if i do say so myself. Next time i go back I'm definitely giving that a try. Now all i can think about is going back to China and getting my beautiful circle lenses. AHHHHH (angel chorus) hopefully they won't be too expensive.
Speaking about China, my dad went there a few days ago for a business trip. I ordered a shitload of stuff off taobao. if you don't know what that is, it's pretty much like eBay but mostly for clothes and shoes and accessories. When i get my stuff I'm definitely going to do a haul post. Hopefully everything i bought looks nice, because sometimes pictures lie...i have gotten clothes that look nothing like the pictures so you do have to rely on customer reviews and how many items that seller has sold. okay pretty long post. I'll write more later. ~byee~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

uneven eyelids!!

You know what I'm talking about. I used to have even eyelids and one day i wake up and all of a sudden i have a triple eyelid on one eye. Nowadays my left eye is either triple folded or a small double eyelid. My uneven eyelids making my eyes look all funky. One eye's big and the other one's small. Something like this? o.O aha. close.

I've been searching ways to fix it but so far everything has been a fail. Something with avocado? and cold spoons? all waste of time and food... the only permanent solution is eyelid surgery. AHHH! But so expensive. hul~ What to do?? Recently I've been using tape. No not eyelid tape. (that doesn't work on me b/c it's too thin) So I've been cutting scotch tape to fit my eyes and usually after wearing them for a day my eyelid gets used to the crease line and stays for a day or two, but that's the only solution so far. I've already given up on the hope that it will go back to normal since it'd been like a year? Been too lazy these days to do that though,so I just leave them alone. mehh. They don't look too horrible at least. Okay end~Til my next post

Monday, October 31, 2011


Going to a pre halloween party. you'll never guess what I was. I was a woman from WWII. haha Well more chic.
red bandana
nerd glasses
a coral silk button up
denim shorts
leopard print suspenders
moss green alpine booties

                                       dirtyy mirror