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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day Two

Well more like part two. Last night we sat in the dark with a flashlight in the middle of the table and ate guac and chips. Some jarred salsa. And some persimmons. Couldn’t sleep last so stayed up playing with the ipad until 20% battery left. Then sleep.

Next morning still no power. Sadd.. but heh this is actually kind of fun living without power and relying on candles and flashlights. Today we were able to go to my friend’s mom’s office which had electricity. Thank god. Watched all the dramas and youtube videos I could. Too bad I didn’t take my cell phone charger. Running low on batteries. One bar left. Blehh.

Just took a shower with a flashlight. Takes on a whole new meaning to 5 minute shower. Heh my dad brought home some super bright flashlights. We’re probably the house with the most light right now. Well end for now. I’ll be blogging until this electricity is back on.

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