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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

DIY Floral Crown

 I know it's winter but i finally decided to make it. i think it turned out really pretty, but it looks kind of bridal-y. I suppose i will probably wear it in the spring time. Now to find a dress to go with it. :D
It only took $2 to make!! i had coupons from joann's.
Fake flowers 1.80
paper wires   1.20 for pack of six so 20 cents each
total $2.20
enjoy the tutorial!!

You're going to need: 
-1-2 stalks of fake flowers
- paper covered wires
-pliers (optional)

buy these paper covered wires. (you can go for regular wires but this looks more natural). You're probably going to need two wires per person. make a circle big enough so your head can pass through.
 clip some branches of the fake flower off . then wind the "backbone" (thickest part) around the paper wire circle. It may be thick so i used some pliers. Then wind the branches you clipped off and you can rearrange the flowers and leaves by plucking them off gently and replacing them.

intertwine the flower wire between the paper wire so it's secure

Sorry for bad lighting. looks pretty though.


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