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Thursday, November 17, 2011

im shoes.

whether it be handbags,jeans, or jewelry, mine just happens to be shoes. No matter how many pairs i have it just doesn't seem enough. It really is my weakness. From sneakers to stilettoes, i love them all. I'm the kind of person that when i see a pair of shoes i like at the mall, i would obsess over them until i get them or move one to a new pair. I will literally look up pictures of the shoe and just imagine wearing them and matching outfits. *Sigh* sad news is i'm too poor.

 recently I've been obsessing over the jeffery campell lita booties. Hes a fucking genius. they are freaking gorgeous. I've been seeing them everywhere. From knockoffs to the real thing. Everytime i pass those pairs of shoes in nordstrom i have a need to try them on. I'm contemplating if i should get the real thing. It's a big decision considering its about $160.  So, what should i do?? knockoff's are about $40 but what if they turn out to be cheap? HUL so confused. i feel like i should get the real thing. *dreaming about the orange red booties*

on another note, im getting 4 more pairs of shoes from china. woot. hopefully they look as good as the pictures and are comfortable enough to walk in. can't wait! coming this friday. stay tuned for the haul post. ~end~

p.s. i don't know what's up with the font size. pissing me off. grr ~end again~

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