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Saturday, February 25, 2012

DIY ZELO'S Skeleton Mask PART 2

yayy part two. it might be a little confusing.

(check out my new tutorial for "One Shot" inspired collars)
extra vinyl
Sharpie or Fabric paint (i recommend paint cus the sharpie rubbed off a little.)
hot glue gun

draw out the teeth onto the vinyl. Use sharpie or fabric paint. (draw both sides.)

cut it out carefully.

draw a irregular tear shape and cut it out.

cut it in half

glue the nose and the teeth on. i glued the teeth too far below the nose and now it looks kind of wierd so glue it closer.

you can either glue on extra pieces of vinyl for the detail or just draw it on like i did.

glue two strands of ribbon to tie.(this was the easiest way to wear it)

finished product!!

done! i make make a second version just because this one was mostly experimental. next time i won't choose a perforated vinyl. overall i think it turned out pretty good. if you have any questions ask!!


  1. Ahhh I want one :( I would soo pay for a mask like that.

    1. make one! it's easy. you can just draw everything with a sharpie instead of cutting out the pieces.

  2. Replies
    1. do u mean what is vinyl. it's a faux (fake)leather type fabric that is quite thick.
