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Sunday, December 2, 2012

GOING BLONDE overview.

this is for all the lazy people who are too lazy to read my long ass post below so this is the simplified version. There's extra tips in this one so make sure to read both.

  • do it yourself. save money and get better results than buying a box bleach.
  • wear gloves and use a hair brush (not comb "brush") to apply bleach. 
  • separate hair into sections and start from the nape (neck) and work upwards.
  • apply 1to 1.5 inches away from roots. when rest of the hair is covered go back and apply to roots to ensure even hair color.
  • apply generously!!
  • don't leave on for more than 40 mins. EVEN IF IT STATES LONGER. it's no good. 
  • cover hair which tin foil after each sections so it doesn't dry out and then with a plastic hair cap.
  • don't be discouraged. it is literally impossible to go blonde in one go for Asian hair. it will take a few bleaches.
  • let your hair rest for at least a week before bleaching again. (ppl say 3 days's bleach it totally harms ur hair no matter what ppl say.) 
  • you will probably have rly wierd hair colors in between but i never said it was going to be easy,
  • deep condition!! A LOT (next post is a hair mask tutorial)
  • enjoy the results and let people stare.
  • p.s. I didn't bleach my eyebrows but if you are going to use facial bleach, NOT the one for your head hair.

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