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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Going Blonde

So I've been away for a while...what can i say I'm really lazy and busy. To make up for it two posts in a row! Last time you saw me i was still a semi-virgin haired Asian but now it's BLONDE!!. and here's how i got there. **disclaimer** this is by my own experience and i am not a professional so do at your own risk!!! 
so here it goes step by step what I did to achieve my blonde hair. bear with me I'm not the best at explaining and there will be tips along the way which will be in PINK BOLD
i suggest going straight to the DIY bleach. 
seperate hair into sections.
wear gloves at all times to avoid touching bleach.
don't comb though hair when hair is covered in bleach.
cover each section with foil after applying bleach.
So first attempt i used palty's sparkling blonde bleach. follow the instructions and buy two boxes if your hair is long like mine. (i recommend two if your hair passes your shoulders or if you have thick hair.)
 as you can see since i had my mom do it, she's not used to dying hair (i do hers all the time) it came out kind of uneven and not blonde. Always apply to hair 1 to 1.5 inches away from root when bleaching, b/c the heat from your head make it develop faster. when the rest of the hair is covered go back and apply to roots. * this was my first mistake as you can see from the pictures
dark gingery copper color

in natural light.

 After the palty failed i went ahead and purchased another bleach. i bought two boxes of manic panic 30 vol bleach. apply the same way as stated above.
this is the color it turned out. you can't tell but there are patches of uneven color.
 Apply generous amounts of bleach to avoid patchy color

orangey blonde
after failing once again i decided to save money and do it myself. meaning i bought powder bleach and developer and mixed it myself. i bought salon care bleach. it's in a blue tub. (make sure you get the blue kind. it's less bronze-y) and 30 vol developer. 40 is too harsh even on virgin hair. read the directions on the back of the bleach powder tub and mix accordingly. i started with 2.5 scoops of powder but i ended up using like 3.5- 4. but always start less so you don't waste. i recommend leaving it on for no more than 40 mins. remember that it will take a few bleaches to get to this light.


it's still patchy but I'm working on it. Btw i didn't tone my hair at all. it is yellowy but i don't really mind it. nao! camwhore pics.

tutorial on this makeup coming soon!

i dip dyed it pink-ish!

faded to a really ugly color though. i will do a tutorial on dip dying another way.
okay that's it i hope you enjoyed and of course if you have any questions. ASK ME!